University of Southern Indiana

Science & Education Building

Due to an increase in student enrollment, the University of Southern Indiana determined there was a need for a new classroom building to accommodate more Science and Education courses. Hafer, along with Hastings+Chivetta and RFD, were hired to create a versatile design that would enable various programs to share classrooms and labs within the same facility.

This three-story building was designed into two different wings. The two wings are connected by a large atrium where there are several areas students can study in private or intermingle before classes begin.

The Torrington Science Wing was joined with the original science center to expand the existing science and engineering program. Along with instructional classroom spaces, this wing includes research laboratories, a mathematics education lab, an anatomy paleontology and sedimentary geology lab with two indoor wells for groundwater monitoring and an OSHA-compliant chemical storeroom. Faculty offices and meeting space are also included.

The Education Wing is home to the Teacher Education Department, University Division, Career Counseling and Academic Skills. The building includes classrooms, a 150-seat lecture hall, computer labs, research laboratories, rooftop greenhouse, conference rooms and administrative offices.

The new Science and Education building is a reflection of USI’s commitment to delivering quality education to its students. The new facility provides opportunities for students to participate in undergraduate research, scientific discovery and hands-on learning experiences which help prepare them for their jobs in the future.