Holy Rosary Parish

Preschool Addition

With a growing number of children attending preschool at Holy Rosary, there was an immediate need to create an addition to the school to accommodate these students who were currently being taught in temporary classrooms. The addition consists of 10 new preschool classrooms, a large activity room where children can play and exercise in all weather, a music room, offices and a larger kindergarten classroom.

The design goal for the new preschool was to create an enlightening, fun environment that nourishes and enriches young children’s minds. The interior design boasts a bright, cheerful color palette throughout with an abundance of natural daylight. Windows were incorporated high along the exterior wall giving students views to the outside without distraction from activities of other students. All of the materials and furniture were chosen for their aesthetics as well as durability. The exterior meets the owner’s intent to blend seamlessly into the existing building as if it was always there.

The location of the preschool addition to the existing school and gymnasium creates a beautiful courtyard, which offers a variety of exterior learning and gathering opportunities. Since opening, the students have really enjoyed learning and playing in their new and improved space.