Tri-State Orthopaedics

New Office Building

With available property on their current campus, Tri-State Orthopaedics began developing properties for lease. Tri-State Orthopaedics hired Hafer to create a master plan of the site that focused on beautification of the campus and boosting the return on investment by maximizing the leasable square footage. The master plan included a clinical addition to the original medical office building and two new professional office buildings. A constructed lake gracefully forms the foreground for the first project of the envisioned master plan, a new office building.

The new two-story office building was designed to complement the character of the existing building and provide an inviting, professional appearance upon arrival to the site. The building contains spaces for three separate tenants - Clippinger Financial Group, ProRehab and Pollux Systems. Hafer worked with Tri-State Orthopaedics and each tenant to create an environment tailored specifically to each client’s goals and objectives.

All three tenants enjoy their new, bright office space that offers great views overlooking the lake and green campus. With the success of the first project on the master plan, Tri-State Orthopaedics has begun plans to move forward with the next phases.