Gateway Campus

Energy Center Expansion

As the Gateway campus continues to grow, the Energy Center needed to expand once again, for the second time. The original design took into consideration future growth, allowing the expansions to be built easily. With the most recent expansion, the Energy Center has now reached full capacity.

This recent expansion included an addition of two generators, a boiler and a chiller. Two underground fuel storage tanks were added for the generators and boilers, each holding 20,000 gallons of fuel. To increase reliability of the electrical systems, redundancy of normal utility feed was brought into the Energy Center to effectively maintain the normal power switchgear.

In addition, a new utility bridge was constructed that connects the Energy Center to Medical Office Building 2. This was done to remove the underground chilled and hot water piping, which is where the new parking structure on campus was constructed. A grounds maintenance shop for equipment was also added with a mezzanine.

This latest expansion provides the hospital with current and future capacity needs for chilled water, steam, normal power and emergency power. Allowing the same redundancy to be placed to new power also increases the reliability of Gateway’s power distribution system and increased maintainability for the existing facilities on campus.